1. Lateral semicircular canal; 1’, its ampulla; - 2. Posterior canal; 2’, its ampulla. - 3. Superior canal; 3’, its ampulla. - 4. Conjoined limb of superior and posterior canals (sinus utriculi superior). - 5. Utricle. 5’. Recessus utriculi. 5. Sinus utriculi posterior. - 6. Ductus endolymphaticus. - 7. Canalis utriculosaccularis. - 8. Nerve to ampulla of superior canal. - 9. Nerve to ampulla of lateral canal. - 10. Nerve to recessus utriculi (in top image, the three branches appear conjoined). 10’. Ending of nerve in recessus utriculi. - 11. Facial nerve. - 12. Lagena cochleæ. - 13. Nerve of cochlea within spiral lamina. - 14. Basilar membrane. - 15. Nerve fibers to macula of saccule. - 16. Nerve to ampulla of posterior canal. - 17. Saccule. - 18. Secondary membrane of tympanum. - 19. Canalis reuniens. - 20. Vestibular end of ductus cochlearis. - 21. Section of the facial and acoustic nerves within internal acoustic meatus (the separation between them is not apparent in the section). -

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1. Lateral semicircular canal; 1’, its ampulla;  -     2. Posterior canal; 2’, its ampulla.  -     3. Superior canal; 3’, its ampulla.  -     4. Conjoined limb of superior and posterior canals (sinus utriculi superior).  -     5. Utricle. 5’. Recessus utriculi. 5. Sinus utriculi posterior.  -     6. Ductus endolymphaticus.  -     7. Canalis utriculosaccularis.  -     8. Nerve to ampulla of superior canal.  -     9. Nerve to ampulla of lateral canal.  -    10. Nerve to recessus utriculi (in top image, the three branches appear conjoined). 10’. Ending of nerve in recessus utriculi.  -    11. Facial nerve.  -    12. Lagena cochleæ.  -    13. Nerve of cochlea within spiral lamina.  -    14. Basilar membrane.  -    15. Nerve fibers to macula of saccule.  -    16. Nerve to ampulla of posterior canal.  -    17. Saccule.  -    18. Secondary membrane of tympanum.  -    19. Canalis reuniens.  -    20. Vestibular end of ductus cochlearis.  -    21. Section of the facial and acoustic nerves within internal acoustic meatus (the separation between them is not apparent in the section).  -