1. posterior compartment - 2. ora serrata - 3. ciliary muscle - 4. ciliary zonules - 5. canal of Schlemm - 6. pupil - 7. anterior chamber - 8. cornea - 9. iris - 10. lens cortex - 11. lens nucleus - 12. ciliary process - 13. conjuntiva - 14. inferior oblique muscule - 15. inferior rectus muscule - 16. medial rectus muscle - 17. retinal arteries and veins - 18. optic disc - 19. dura mater - 20. central retinal artery - 21. central retinal vein - 22. optical nerve - 23. vorticose vein - 24. bulbar sheat - 25. macula - 26. fovea - 27. sclera - 28. choroid - 29. superior rectus muscule - 30. retina
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