The tips begin at a different place in each module. The advice moves along with the stages of the course.

As you come across the many substances in biochemistry -€” macromolecules, metabolic intermediates, enzymes and cofactors, there can be a strong temptation to learn the substance names as phonological sound images, to repeat the name to yourself and remember it by imprinting the sound of the word. This is a weak memory trace. Learn to ask yourself, what are the parts of this name? Where did the name come from? Dihydroxyacetone. What is that? Nicotinamide adenosine dinucleotide. Make a habit of looking closely at the name to give encoding depth of processing.

Suggested Assignments

Science Focus

Study the conceptual materials in your book-set (TBR or Kaplan) within Atomic Theory, Periodic Trends, Chemical Bonding, Organic Structure & Stereochemistry and Intermolecular Force. 

Perform the odd numbered (phase 1 ) practice items in your book-set for these topics.

Watch the videos for Module 2 - Atomic Theory, Periodic Trends, Chemical Bonding & Intermolecular Force as well as Stereochemistry.

Choose from the resources available within the Topic Pages to reinforce and supplement learning. 

Conceptual Integration

Complete the assignment we began in Module 1 of carefully skimming your MCAT book-set from the beginning to end, all the way from physics to biology. Read the bold headings. Look at the figures. Skim the text. Work to get a feel for the scope of each topic and prime future learning. 

Read the Interdisciplinary Notes for Module 2.

Play Catch Blue.

Biology Cycle

Read Ch. 3 - Biological Membranes and Ch. 4 - Cytoskeleton in Lippincott - Cell & Molecular Biology


Study the conceptual treatment of The Biological Basis of Behavior in your MCAT book-set and complete the odd numbered problems.

Review the conceptual vocabulary for The Human Nervous System using the illustrated conceptual primer on this site.

Get oriented to the Essential Concepts ANKI Deck with the Human Nervous System cards. 

Integrated Course practice items: 


Module 2 CARS Lesson Reader response.

Complete Step 1 of the MCAT Official Prep CARS Diagnostic Tool. This includes two passages (10 questions) as well as a set of introductory and educational resources.